Thuy Le –
– `T disappeared` last year marked Thuan’s determination not to `disappear` on the literary scene.
– On the path of a writer, each work creates a milestone.
– What do you think of Cao Viet Dung’s `grading` words in the introduction to `Missing T`?
Writer Thuan.
– I especially like Dung’s phrase `no – character`.
In short, T is just an excuse, but an important one, so that both the author and readers have the opportunity to change.
– Your book titles often seem very… easy to sell because the names are familiar yet strange.
– These names are chosen mainly based on syllables and rhythm.
– Your character’s name is the same, it seems like it was chosen very carelessly but still contains a miracle?
– I remember an author once said: finding a name for a character is more than half of writing.
Coming to Chinatown, I didn’t know what to name the main character.
Paris August 11 took the longest to find the character’s name.
– Her husband (painter Tran Trong Vu, son of poet Tran Dan – Reporter) said: Thuan writes very differently from Tran Dan, the old man has been sitting at the desk writing almost every day for thirty years, Thuan is cyclical.
– It’s true that I write in cycles, like making a plan every year, then forcing myself to stick to it.
– Your husband’s recent installation exhibition in Vietnam seems to show that the hobby of self-deprecation seems to be a similarity in the compositions between the two of you?
– I write completely independently.
– How were you `assigned` in 2007?
– I’m working on two jobs that don’t seem to go very well: writing a new work and translating a detective novel.
Up to now, the new novel has not yet been completed (so nothing much can be revealed), and the translated work, if nothing changes, will appear in Nha Nam Company’s `Black Novels` bookshelf, under
Made by Thuy Le
(Source: Nice)