On the second day, she didn’t have a fever but had chills, she was tired, `had no strength to do anything, just wanted to lie in bed`.
There are many places for people to get tested for Covid-19 in the US such as clinics, hospitals or chain stores that sell medicine, pharmaceuticals, and health care products such as Walgreens, CVS… At these stores,
People with insurance in the US will be tested for free.
Receiving a positive nCoV result via email, Ms. Tram resigned from work.
On the morning of the fifth day, she was more alert and could go to the garden to take care of the fruit trees.
On Friday, she took the opportunity to go to the garden to exercise and breathe the morning air to increase her resistance.
On the 10th day, she recovered completely and no longer had any symptoms.
Ms. Tram’s husband also tested positive for nCoV right after his wife but was healthier, with only slight chills, no fever, and less fatigue.
According to Ms. Tram, American media instructs people how to self-monitor at home and only go to the emergency room when there are signs of severity or difficulty breathing.
Ms. Tram’s cousin, who lives in Seattle, Washington state, also contracted Covid-19 a few months ago.
Recalling when traveling to Florida, she and her husband were `a bit subjective, going to hotels, bars, and restaurants without protecting themselves.` It wasn’t until they received a positive diagnosis that they felt very scared and worried.
`At that time, I felt exhausted, had no strength left, was afraid of not being able to resist and it would get worse, I didn’t know what would happen,` Ms. Tram said about her psychology when she first got sick.
The US earlier this summer relaxed epidemic prevention because most people had been vaccinated against Covid-19.
Her family has not been vaccinated yet because at that time, there were cases of blood clots and death after J&J vaccination.
After recovering from Covid-19, Ms. Tram advised that when sick, you need to stay calm.
After recovering from the illness, Ms. Tram’s husband got vaccinated against Covid-19.
Tram Nguyen and her husband while traveling in Florida in April. Photo provided by the character.
Dr. Nguyen Hong Vu, City of Hope Cancer Research Institute, USA, said that when self-treating at home, people with Covid-19 need to do it seriously and responsibly, ensuring three main points including: minimizing
To minimize infection to people around you, you should arrange it in a separate room to isolate from uninfected people in the house and pets because they can become carriers of the virus.
Notify people who have been in close contact during the period when they are suspected of having Covid-19, so that these people must also be careful to get tested and prevent infecting others.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Covid-19 is caused by nCoV, like most diseases caused by other viruses, the treatment is mainly `supportive treatment`, trying to `soothe` and `relieve` difficult symptoms.
Mild symptoms that people with Covid-19 can treat themselves at home include fever, cough, chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste, sore throat, stuffy nose,
Dr. Vu analyzed that the rate of patients getting worse is proportional to age, increasing the risk for people with underlying diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, lung disease, cancer… and men with severe disease.
Symptoms that warn of danger and need to go to the emergency room are feeling very difficult to breathe, persistent pain or a feeling of pressure in the chest, not being able to stay awake, pale skin, lips or nails, loss of vitality.
On July 14, the Ministry of Health decided to shorten the treatment time for asymptomatic F0 patients, with three groups receiving medical supervision at home.
Le Phuong