The secret to keeping sperm healthy

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec3,2023 #healthy #keeping
The secret to keeping sperm healthy 8
The secret to keeping sperm healthy 8

Sperm health can include the quantity, quality and morphology of sperm, which is also an essential factor to promote fertility in men.

Normal semen contains 40 million to 300 million sperm/ml.

Here are 6 tips to help men improve sperm health:

Losing weight

Weight loss in overweight men is one way that can help increase sperm count.

Changing your diet and increasing appropriate exercise are ways that can help you lose weight better.

Practice sports

In addition to losing weight, maintaining an exercise regimen and healthy lifestyle can help increase sperm count in men.

Exercise not only helps lose weight but also helps increase sperm count in men.

In addition, exercise is also a way to help obese men lose weight, which is also beneficial for sperm health.

Avoid substance abuse

Low sperm count and unhealthy sperm are associated with men with a history of heavy drinking (drinking two or more glasses of wine or alcoholic drinks per day), smoking, and drug use.

If you have any of the above bad habits, men should give up to improve sperm health.

Limit exposure to toxic elements

Jobs that require exposure to extreme heat or radiation or sedentary work can also affect sperm count.

Avoid high temperatures in the scrotal area

Keep the scrotum (testicles) area always cool, do not expose it to too high temperatures because it can affect sperm count.

Limit stress

In addition to maintaining physical health, mental health also plays an important role.

Men whose occupation or health condition is suspected to be related to low sperm count should see a specialist early before starting to plan to have children.

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