‘Tay Thi girls’ sell betel and areca nuts in glass cages in Taiwan

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec18,2023 #girls #Taiwan
'Tay Thi girls' sell betel and areca nuts in glass cages in Taiwan 1
'Tay Thi girls' sell betel and areca nuts in glass cages in Taiwan 1

Betel nut is known as `Taiwanese chewing gum` because people here chew it regularly like chewing gum.

According to a city statistic, there are about 60,000 areca nut booths on national highways. Photo: ytimg.

Young, beautiful, eye-catchingly dressed areca nut sellers sit in glass booths larger than phone booths, often with red and blue neon lights and invite customers to buy.

With a cool way of dressing just to attract customers, many people mistakenly think they are prostitutes.

In these stalls, in addition to ready-made betel and areca nuts, there are also cigarettes, coffee, and chewing gum.

The sexy profession of selling betel nut appeared in the 1960s when beautiful girls sold more areca nuts by wearing skimpy clothes.

'Tay Thi girls' sell betel and areca nuts in glass cages in Taiwan

Colorful neon lights mounted outside glass cages selling betel.

In 2002, the city government found that selling betel with revealing clothes was not in accordance with good customs and distracted drivers, leading to car accidents.

According to photographer Tobie Openshaw living in Taiwan, for many years, `Tay Thi girls` with betel and areca nuts have always been viewed by society with unsympathetic eyes.

'Tay Thi girls' sell betel and areca nuts in glass cages in Taiwan

‘Tay Thi girls’ sell betel and areca nuts in glass cages in Taiwan

Photo of girls selling betel and areca nuts in Taiwan

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