Sweden’s ‘herd immunity’ strategy with confidence

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec15,2023 #confidence #Sweden
Sweden's 'herd immunity' strategy with confidence 9
Sweden's 'herd immunity' strategy with confidence 9

`There have been a lot of misunderstandings about our strategy,` Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said in an interview with the Guardian on April 27, referring to the country’s `one-size-fits-all` Covid-19 strategy.

Sweden, a Nordic country with more than 10.2 million people, is hoping to reach `herd immunity` in the capital Stockholm in May, helping people overcome Covid-19 without having to endure a strict blockade.

`Herd immunity` is the term used to refer to people becoming immune to an infectious disease through recovery from illness or vaccination.

While billions of people around the world must stay indoors or be subject to certain travel restrictions to prevent Covid-19, Sweden recommends, rather than ordering people, to avoid unnecessary travel

By relying on people’s sense of responsibility, Sweden still allows shops, restaurants and gyms to open, but hopes customers visiting these locations comply with safe distancing.

Many Swedes support and comply with the government’s policy, even though the `herd immunity` strategy has been harshly criticized by many scientists.

The country has recorded nearly 20,000 infections and nearly 2,400 deaths from nCoV.

`Sweden’s goal is to save lives, prevent nCoV from spreading, ensure the health system can respond and minimize the consequences on business and employment,` Ms. Linde said.

Foreign Minister Linde affirmed that Sweden is ready to change policy depending on the situation.

Foreign Minister Ann ​​Linde at her office in Stockholm.

The Swedish Foreign Minister also added that this country’s policy is long-term.

Stockholm officials over the weekend decided to close 5 pubs and restaurants for not complying with physical distancing principles.

`This is a strong warning. These are not voluntary measures. You have to understand that you need to comply. We believe the best way is a combination of some binding measures

She asserted ample evidence that most Swedes are complying with the rules, pointing out a 96% drop in bookings at the country’s two most popular domestic tourist destinations, after the government encouraged

Foreign Secretary Linde shared that she `would be very surprised` if this strategy was not criticized.

Sweden's 'herd immunity' strategy with confidence

A cafe in the capital Stockholm was still crowded with customers on April 20.

Some of the country’s leading academics and medical professors have harshly criticized Sweden’s decision not to lock down the country like many other European countries.

Ms. Linde affirmed that the relatively high death rate is certainly not what Sweden wants when applying its current strategy.

Sweden soon banned people from visiting relatives in nursing homes, but nCoV still infiltrated these facilities and caused many deaths.

In addition, the Swedish Foreign Minister also said that although there are many different views on the effectiveness of the strategy against Covid-19, Sweden still cooperates very well with Nordic countries.

`I often have to answer a lot of questions from my counterparts around the world about Sweden’s way of fighting the epidemic,` Ms. Linde shared.

Despite not having to lock down the entire country, Sweden’s export-reliant economy has been severely affected by Covid-19.

Sweden's 'herd immunity' strategy with confidence

People line up to buy ice cream at Norr Malarstrand street, Stockholm, on April 19.

Foreign Minister Linde asserted that it is too early to judge whether the Swedish government’s strategy is a success or failure compared to other countries, or even to talk about what the criteria for success might be.

`I will not evaluate or judge the strategy of Sweden or any other country. It will take a longer period of time for anyone to do that,` she said.

The Swedish Foreign Minister added that different countries have different methods of counting deaths from Covid-19.

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