How are golden monkeys raised for vaccine testing?

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec31,2023 #monkeys #vaccine
How are golden monkeys raised for vaccine testing? 2
How are golden monkeys raised for vaccine testing? 2

At 10:00 a.m. on December 22, on Reu Island in Cam Pha, it was time for monkeys to have lunch.

While picking up rice balls and dropping them into the feeding trough, Mr. Long said: `This diet is very special.`

Mr. Vu Cong Long gives lunch to monkeys vaccinated with Covid-19.

Reu Island, where the monkey farm is located, consists of two main parts: land island and rock island, uninhabited except for 13 researchers and three dogs who look after the monkeys.

According to Mr. Long, golden monkeys were chosen for research because they have few pathogens.

Every morning, staff will check the monkey’s health.

The closest monitoring time is one week after injection because side effects may appear.

`Monkeys are very strong, they can struggle or attack,` said Mr. Pham Xuan Thai, Laboratory Department.

`We have not seen any problems with any tested injected monkeys. Body temperature and flexibility before and after injection have not changed,` Mr. Long said.

How are golden monkeys raised for vaccine testing?

Golden monkey breed for vaccine testing and medical research in Quang Ninh.

After 4 months of monitoring, if the monkey shows no unusual symptoms including no lumps, no hives, no fever, stable body temperature, and normal eating and drinking, the researchers will check the internal organs.

In more than 30 years of working and personally raising and caring for monkeys, Mr. Long has never recorded any vaccines causing side effects on the bodies of these primates.

To date, Nanogen has successfully tested on monkeys, moving to the clinical trial stage.

`With many years of experience raising and observing, I see very good performance in monkeys,` Mr. Long said.

How are golden monkeys raised for vaccine testing?

The company tested Covid-19 vaccination on golden monkeys

Experimental injection of Covid-19 vaccine on monkeys on Cam Pha island.


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