Hope, fear and sadness in Wuhan

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec1,2023 #Hope #sadness #Wuhan
Hope, fear and sadness in Wuhan 3
Hope, fear and sadness in Wuhan 3

However, the first sip of milk tea after a long time was not as delicious as Yu expected.

The city of Wuhan, China, where Yu lives, spent 76 long days under strict lockdown when Covid-19 broke out.

In early April, after the government eased restrictions, Yu and his parents went to a park to see Wuhan’s famous cherry blossoms.

Wuhan residents enjoyed the weekend on April 12 after a prolonged blockade due to Covid-19.

Yu recently filmed people lining up at a local restaurant to buy hot dry noodles, a traditional Wuhan dish, to take away.

Yu’s optimism partly comes from luck.

Even so, there were still some burdens Yu couldn’t ignore.

After all, Yu has mostly adapted to Wuhan’s `new normal`.

`This is the first time I feel like the entire neighborhood, as well as all the people of Wuhan, are going through something together and working toward the same goal,` Yu expressed.

However, not everyone thinks like Yu.

While Covid-19 ravaged Wuhan, Liang `sheltered` with his wife and two-year-old son at his parents’ house more than 120 km from the city.

The Wuhan government finally brought Covid-19 under control, but Liang could not forgive them for allowing the pandemic to break out.

Now, as other Wuhan residents welcome the city that has just woken up from its `nightmare,` Liang is preparing to say goodbye.

Besides optimism and disappointment, there are people struggling to overcome the pain of loss.

However, Chen has recently lost interest in cooking.

Chen’s mother was infected with nCoV at the peak of the pandemic.

Hope, fear and sadness in Wuhan

People wear masks to prevent nCoV in a residential area in Wuhan on April 12.

Chen and his mother are very close, even though they often don’t show it much.

Chen had to learn how to overcome the pain during the lockdown days, when his mother’s funeral could not be conducted according to usual rituals.

Now, Chen and his father are reunited, but they have to find new ways to talk.

Despite the positive developments of Covid-19 in Wuhan, many people are still wary, like Hazel He.

Anxiety pervades He’s life.

He is no longer as stressed as in the early days of the pandemic, but is still hesitant to approach the new normal life.

`Wuhan has sacrificed too much. Taking care of ourselves is our responsibility to everyone else,` He said.

He isn’t sure when her company will resume face-to-face meetings, core to the recruiting industry she works in.

`If this were a race, I’d be about 50 meters behind. But it’ll be fine, as long as I catch up later,` He said.

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