Doubts about Trump’s claim that he is ‘free of nCoV infection’

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec19,2023 #Doubts #infection #Trump
Doubts about Trump's claim that he is 'free of nCoV infection' 3
Doubts about Trump's claim that he is 'free of nCoV infection' 3

`I came back because I am a physically perfect individual and I am extremely youthful. I am a very lucky person because of that,` US President Donald Trump, 74 years old, said in a telephone interview.

According to the latest update on the US President’s health announced by White House doctor Sean Conley, he completed Covid-19 treatment on October 8 and responded `extremely well`.

Dr. Conley said October 10 will be the tenth day since the US President was diagnosed with nCoV infection and Trump can `safely come into contact with the community from that point on`.

US President Donald Trump returned to the White House after a campaign trip in New Jersey on October 1.

Trump’s aides are planning a return campaign schedule for the President, including attending small events next week.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most people infected with nCoV can stop quarantining and return to close contact with others about 10 days after symptoms appear, provided that symptoms are present.

`At this time, there is no diagnostic test that indicates whether an infected person is still contagious,` said Dr. Benjamin Pinsky, head of Stanford University’s virology laboratory.

Since Trump returned to the White House on October 5, no reporter has been able to see the President, who updates the situation via Twitter and a few online videos, and only communicates with a few close staff.

`We, those who are watching from the outside, only know passive information, to the point that I just call it allusions` about the President’s health as well as the possibility that he is no longer contagious, Dr.

Earlier this week, the President’s doctors said they would work closely with the military’s medical research facility and other laboratories on `advanced diagnostic tests` to determine when the President

Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s leading epidemiologist, said two negative PCR tests 24 hours apart are the key factor in determining whether a person is still contagious with nCoV or not.

`So if the President has gone 10 days without symptoms and they do the tests we’re talking about, then we can make a scientifically based assumption that he

Highly sensitive tests such as PCR detect viruses in oropharyngeal swab samples.

`If they do testing every day, they can see the amount of virus decreasing,` Morice said.

Another way to test is to take the President’s sample and clone the virus in cell culture.

`It would take more time, cost more, and we don’t have enough labs to do it,` Schaffner said.

Another possibility to check whether Trump is still at risk of infection is to use new testing methods being implemented in some research laboratories to look for evidence that the virus is still replicating in cells.

`There is no perfect method,` said Gigi Gronvall, an expert at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security.

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