Don’t force each other to ‘put on a happy show’ for the three days of Tet

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec12,2023 #force #other
Don't force each other to 'put on a happy show' for the three days of Tet 12
Don't force each other to 'put on a happy show' for the three days of Tet 12

Albert Einstein once said that `all general statements are false, including this one`.

There is an explanation of `happiness` as follows: `happiness` is the result of `happiness`, of actions that bring joy and real positive values.

If a woman feels real joy in cooking, that’s good, but that individual’s happiness cannot be applied to other women as a default.

Of course, there are women who don’t have the same needs as me.

If during the year a woman lives unhappily, then three days of Tet `cooking demonstrations` will not solve any problems.

>> My mother has been cooking Tet dishes for decades

The three days of Tet are just like any other day of the year, just with more activities and less work, but people keep trying to assign all sorts of great meanings to it, then making things difficult for others, forgetting that the center

Of course, in many places, women take care of both making offerings to ancestors and burning incense, so husbands leisurely change their position from the altar to the drinking mat.

Therefore, remember that the nation’s good traditions recognize the labor of both sexes in the process of building the family and social foundation.

On the path to transforming from an agricultural to an industrial society, we have abandoned many things.

It’s time for us to stop imposing the concept of happiness like `my family is happy, why isn’t your family?`, but ask ourselves and our loved ones if they are happy or not.

>> The article does not necessarily coincide with’s views.

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