British newspaper: ‘Modric’s magic distracts English players’

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec12,2023 #British #English #Modric
British newspaper: 'Modric's magic distracts English players' 1
British newspaper: 'Modric's magic distracts English players' 1

Luka Modric did not score or assist in the match against England on the evening of July 11.

Modric’s foul on Alli caused Croatia to concede.

`Modric stood with his hands on his hips, staring at the field after Trippier scored a free kick. It was a terrible punishment for this player,` wrote the daily newspaper with the largest circulation in England.

England was the better team in the second semi-final of the 2018 World Cup. Thanks to the advantage of youth and physical strength, they created significant opportunities for Croatia’s goal, besides Trippier’s goal.

However, the situation suddenly turned around in the second half, when Gareth Southgate played a low game to protect the result.

British newspaper: 'Modric's magic distracts English players'

Croatia outperforms England in the midfield thanks to Modric.

Sports Mail also implicitly criticized coach Southgate’s mistakes when making changes in the second half.

From being proactive, forcing Croatia to play as they wanted, England showed signs of being mentally ill after losing in the middle of the second half.

`Andres Iniesta has reason to say the Croatian star is among the most complete midfielders he has ever seen. When Modric was free, England had to face the full strength of Croatia. In the final minutes of the second half,

British newspaper: 'Modric's magic distracts English players'

Croatian fans rejoice when their home team reaches the World Cup final

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