America is excited about the idea of a 1,000 billion USD coin

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec27,2023 #America #excited
America is excited about the idea of a 1,000 billion USD coin 2
America is excited about the idea of a 1,000 billion USD coin 2

Having just ended tense negotiations on the budget plan, US President Barrack Obama and Congress are preparing for the battle to raise the debt ceiling next February.

In a January 2 interview with Capital New York, New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler suggested that the US Treasury Department mint $1,000 billion in coins and deposit them in the US Federal Reserve (FED) to pay down debt.

US $100 platinum coin.

The above idea comes from a US law that allows the Ministry of Finance to mint platinum coins of all denominations.

Supporters of this plan say this is the only way President Obama can cut the costs of Social Security and other insurance programs.

Bloomberg analyst Josh Barro also said that if the Republican Party lists a list of requirements that need to be met to raise the debt ceiling, Mr. Obama just needs to announce that he will mint platinum coins to repay the debt if he can no longer borrow.

This idea was even put on the White House website for a referendum.

However, there are also many people who doubt the feasibility of the above idea.

Jack Balkin, law professor at Yale University (USA) also said that this solution is too risky.

Thuy Linh (composite)

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