9 foods that help children sleep well

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec5,2023 #children #foods
9 foods that help children sleep well 7
9 foods that help children sleep well 7

Sleep helps the body regenerate energy, improve nerve function, restore physical health and mood.

According to doctor Hoang Chau Bao Dinh – Department of Internal Medicine, Neurology Center, Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, sleep is very important for human health, especially for children.

Children’s difficulty sleeping can be due to many reasons.

Besides examining and treating children, doctor Bao Dinh suggests supplementing the 9 food groups below to help children sleep better.

Foods containing magnesium: Children lacking magnesium are often more prone to anxiety and nervous tension than normal children.

Good fats: Omega plays an important role in brain development, helping to reduce inflammation and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, supporting rest.

Oats: Rich in soluble fiber and contain an amino acid that improves the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

A cup of nutritious oats helps children sleep well.

Nuts: High in tryptophan, helps create good sleep and relax the body.

Mediterranean diet: Colorful foods, fruits and vegetables improve immunity.

Foods containing vitamin D: Helps improve bone health and support many other body functions including sleep.

Sweet potatoes: Potatoes are rich in potassium, which can overcome lack of sleep.

9 foods that help children sleep well

Eating a variety of foods can help children sleep well.

Bananas: Bananas are high in serotonin and melatonin, which support good health and good sleep.

Cherries: Contains lots of potassium, melatonin, serotonin, magnesium, good for sleep.

In addition to food, in order for children to sleep well, parents need to create conditions for children to play and exercise comfortably.


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