6 attacks in Paris, 129 people died

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec2,2023 #attacks #Paris
6 attacks in Paris, 129 people died 2
6 attacks in Paris, 129 people died 2



11:24 p.m

AFP quoted French security sources as saying that among the suspects carrying out the attacks in Paris, three were brothers, of whom one was still on the run. One of the men arrested

9:35 p.m

Belgian police have so far arrested eight people on suspicion of involvement in the repeated attacks in Paris.

9:21 p.m

French police are searching for a suspect who rented a Volkswagen Polo seen parked outside the Bataclan theater in Paris. `It is unclear whether this person participated in the attack or was an accomplice, but it is clear that his name is unknown.`

8:01 p.m

The two new suspects were identified as Ahmed Almuhamed and Abbdulakbak B. Serbian newspaper Blic said 25-year-old Ahmed Almuhamed was one of the terrorists accused of being behind the attacks in Paris, France.

5:14 p.m

The owner of a Syrian passport lies near the body of a gunman in Friday night’s attack who entered Europe via Serbia last month.

4:03 p.m

A significant number of weapons were discovered in a car in the Montreui region, an eastern suburb of Paris.

A French journalist posted on Twitter a picture of a car with smashed windows and three AK guns inside in the suburbs of Paris.

11:00 a.m

According to the Telegraph, British security forces and police were mobilized on a large scale to patrol public places in London due to fears of an attack by the Islamic State.

British security forces have prepared countermeasures.

10:00 am

Ismael Omar Mostefai was identified as one of the gunmen responsible for the serial attack, according to Jean-Pierre Gorges, Mayor of the town of Chartres and French parliamentarian.

8:00 a.m

French authorities said three groups of gunmen combined to carry out the attacks.

7:00 a.m

Air France flight AF1741 had to evacuate passengers at Schipol airport, Netherlands, after discovering a bomb threat on social network Twitter.The plane was scheduled to fly from Amsterdam to Paris, France

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