4 reasons why men lose libido

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec20,2023 #libido #reasons
4 reasons why men lose libido 2
4 reasons why men lose libido 2

According to doctor Pham Xuan Long (Department of Andrology, Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City), about 13-36% of men aged 35-40 begin to show signs of frigidity.

Sexual frigidity in men has many causes, including endogenous and exogenous factors.

Men aged 35-40 begin to experience decreased sexual desire due to many factors.


The process of sexual activity in men is often controlled by three factors: the nervous system, the male sex hormone testosterone and blood vessels.

However, after the age of 30, testosterone levels begin to gradually decrease, from 0.7-1.3% per year.


Psychological instability is also one of the causes of frigidity in men.

When stressed, the nervous system will be inhibited, leading to the blood vessels and smooth muscles of the corpora cavernosa shrinking, blood and oxygen not flowing to the penis enough, making it difficult for men to have an erection, or not lasting long enough, making `life` difficult.

In particular, when the body is stressed, it releases a lot of immune-suppressing hormones cortisol and adrenaline to protect the body.

4 reasons why men lose libido

Prolonged stress will make men lose interest in the bedroom.


Diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity… can all affect sexual desire, reduce testosterone, and change blood vessels in the penis leading to erectile dysfunction.

Side effects of medications

The use of certain medications, including ACE inhibitors and beta blockers, stomach medications, antidepressants, sedatives… can cause unwanted side effects, reducing blood levels.

According to doctor Xuan Long, to limit physiological decline and sexual apathy, men should have a healthy lifestyle, eat scientifically, regularly exercise moderately, keep a comfortable spirit, and share

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